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{ width: 160, height: 160, defaultImage: '', layers: '07414' }

Orion 8x50 Right-Angle Correct Image Crosshair Finder Scope
3.5 / 5.0
Discover the back-saving comfort of a right-angle correct image ("RACI") finder scope. Big 50mm aperture and 8x magnification with easy X-Y aiming adjustment makes alignment and object targeting a breeze. A great upgrade for Dobs, especially!

{ width: 160, height: 160, defaultImage: '', layers: '07614' }

70mm Orion Lens Cap for Binoculars
We guarantee that sooner rather than later, you will lose one or more of your eyepiece or binocular lens caps. Whatever the mystery of where those caps disappear to, don't worry! We sell a wide variety of replacement sizes, including this 70mm cap.

{ width: 160, height: 160, defaultImage: '', layers: '07413' }

Orion 8x50 Achromatic Crosshair Finder Scope, Straight
With a big 50mm aperture, the Orion 8x50 achromatic finder scope pulls in faint stars and even some deep-sky objects. Easy X-Y aiming adjustments makes alignment a breeze. A great upgrade from a red dot or other small finder!

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